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Why Christian Counseling?

Pain is the symptom that God gives us to tell us, "Let's do something about it."
Dr. Robert L. Stadheim

 It Fits like a Glove!

When I saw counseling from the neck up, it was just about what goes on in someone's head. It did not make sense to me.  It was very limited in its depth of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) that I believe is needed for true life changes.  This CPU is not what is in a computer. The CPU for human beings is their heart.  The psychology I studied for many years never once mentioned the heart.

I was exposed to countless studies of rats going through mazes, some made it and some did not.  Yes, we are all free to choose how we decide to make changes in our life.  We can deal from our shoulders up, or we can work for Spiritual changes in our heart (CPU) that in turn changes the thinking that goes on in our head.  I know for me it starts with Christian Spirituality in my heart and that leads my head into Spiritually healthy thoughts (Cognitions) that bring about healthy changes in my life .

When we look at the spiritually based recovery programs that God gave us, we see millions of people who are recovering from issues in their life and many from impending death had they not gotten into recovery.  An excellent example is the 12 Steps program that came from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and its co-founders, Bill W. and Dr. Bob.  I did some research to see how many recovery programs have adapted 12 steps recovery programs.  Wikipedia says, “Over 200 self-help organizations–often known as fellowships with a worldwide membership of millions now employ twelve-step principles for recovery.”  I believe that most people would agree that without Spirituality as the basis there would be no recovery.  Most of the recovery programs are based on a God or higher power of your understanding.  My choice of God in my life is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

There is an analogy that I thought of when I was preparing to write these thoughts on “Why Christian Counseling.”  There are many different size hands and many different glove sizes.  You might say the heart and head need to fit hand and glove.  When we have our heart as the power and strength with our thoughts surrounding it then we have the potential of forming a healthy team.  When the hand and the glove fit together and work together in a harmonious way, then we have a balance of the heart and the head that work together for the greatest potential of good in our life.